PISC script to create one of the blog posts for the Art challenge

Created: 2020/8/6
Updated: 2020/8/6

The script

: md-img-link ( :desc :filename -- link ) ${ "![" $desc "](/downloads/ArtChallenge/PixelArtAndInk/" $filename ")" } ; 
: img-link ( :desc :filename -- link ) ${ "<img src=\"/downloads/ArtChallenge/PixelArtAndInk/" $filename "\" alt=\"" $desc  "\" width=\"500\">" } ;

9 :num-day
"days" get-paste-text "\n" str-split [ 
str-trim "|" str-split vec-reverse splat :title :andrewFile :andrewDesc :emilyFile :emilyDesc

${ "## Day " $num-day ": "  $title 
   "\n\n### Emily\n\n" 
    $emilyDesc $emilyFile img-link 
    "\n### Andrew\n\n" 
    $andrewDesc $andrewFile md-img-link
] vec-map "\n\n" str-join

The data (not 100% clean)

Urban Legend|UrbanLegend.png|A pixel picture of a weeping Mary statue|EmilyUrbanLegend.jpeg|An ink sketch of a wendigo
Insect|Insect.png|A pixel art drawing of a dragonfly|EmilyInsect.jpeg|A drawing of a iridescent beetle with a blue shell
Something you ate today|SomethingIAteToday.png|SomethingIAteToday.png|EmilySomethigIAteToday.jpeg|A nice looking ink sketch of a bagel, with a pen and an eraser on the sketch book
Your Spirit Animal|SpiritAnimal.png|A pixel-art picture of a squirrel sitting on a porch (or jumping over a log)|EmilySpiritAnimal.jpeg|A detailed ink drawing of a bat
~~Song Lyrics~~Your Happy Place|AHappyPlace.png|A pixel art picture of my laptop, with Asperite open.|EmilyHappyPlace.jpeg|A picture of Emily wrapped in a blanket on a couch, with a lamp, tissue box, phone, and Nintendo Switch
Historical Figure|AHistoricalFigure.png|An attempt to make a pixel art photo of Ada Lovelace|EmilyHistoricalFigure.jpeg|A ink picture of a corset, a "historical figure"
Guilty Pleasure|AGuiltyPleasure.png|An abstract grid of white, blue and brown grid squares, representative of a Scrabble Board|EmilyGuiltyPleasure.jpeg|A sketch of a Yellow Nitendo Switch with Stardew Valley on the screen
Zodiac Sign|AstrologicalSign.png|The Aquarius sign is imposed over a big yellow moon over a waves, with a small lighthouse in the background|EmilyZodiacSign.jpeg|A picture of a Capricorn goat with horns and and a webbed mane
Favorite TV Show|FavoriteTVShow.png|A picture of "BONES" with a cyan/glowing skull in the background, all using blur|EmilyFavoriteTVShow.jpeg|A picture of a naked Homer Simpson, his butt facing the viewer.
Something with Wings|SomethingWithWings.png|A picture of a bat|EmilySomethingWithWings.jpeg|A picture of a bat with 3 jack-o-lanterns, which is nibbling on the largest jack-o-lantern
Famous Landmark|ALandmark.png|A pixel-art picture of the pyramids of Giza|EmilyFamousLandmark.png|One of the sections from stonehenge
Beverage|Beverage.png|A picture of cup of water|EmilyBeverage.jpeg|A drawing of a cup of water
Teeth|Teeth.png|A pixel-art picture of an alligator skull|EmilyTeeth.jpeg|A picture of a Zombie Skull with prominent teeth
Earth Day|EarthDay.png|A pixel-art picture of the earth|EmilyEarthDay.jpeg|A picture of the earth, with clouds, being held up by a pair of hands
Dessert|Dessert.png|An ice cream cone on a metal stand with little chocolate chips|EmilyDessert.jpeg|A cupcake with sprinkles
Movie Prop|MoveProp.png|A pixel-drawing of Wilson the volley ball from Castaway|EmilyMoveProp.jpeg|A drawing of the cat from Kiki's Deliver Service.